Browser license

With our web tool you can manually create high-quality PDF documents quickly from any URL in your browser and you can save your own default settings in our members area. Below you can review all the options that you can use to do so.

Note that we also offer other tools that create PDFs from web pages automatically. We have a powerful API and a great tool to convert full websites into PDF, but for all our automatic tools you will need a business license. Please review our plans for automatic PDF creation.


  • Convert web pages to PDF including JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS2.
  • Set page size, margins, headers and footers and much more!
  • Apply watermarks or stamps and remove our branding.
  • Protect and encrypt your converted PDFs.
  • Use in any browser and with the bookmarklet and addons.


The sections below describe all the options that you will be able to set, when you've purchased a browser license. You can save these settings as well and then they will be used in the browser addons and the bookmarklet, which will make your life a lot easier when you're surfing the web.

Page Settings

The table below shows the settings that you can change to control the page settings. These will determine the layout of the resulting PDF.

Page sizePage size, such as A4, Letter etc. See the full list for details.
Custom sizeSpecify a specific page size in millimeters, inches or points. You can also use this to get a single long PDF of your entire webpage instead of one that's broken down in pages. When you want that then fill in only the width and we will determine the height automatically. We recommend a widht of 300mm in that case..
OrientationPortrait or landscape orientation
MarginsTop, bottom, left and right margin dimensions in either mm (millimeters), in (inches) or pt (points)
Viewport beta!The viewport that our engine will use to capture your pages. By default we use 1024*768. Note that this functionality is in beta and you can use it only if you have selected version 2.0 of our pdf creator in your profile.
Page nr offsetThis number will be added to each page number, which you can use in your header and/or footer.
Ajax timeYou can set the amount of time that our engine should try to wait to complete your Ajax calls and other JavaScript scripts. In a lot of cases this will help when you miss images or maps or other stuff that's loaded by scripts. Note that usually there will also be a noscript version of these pages so it may be better to switch off JavaScript altogether when you convert these pages.

Conversion Settings

The table below shows the settings that you can change to control the conversion process. These will largely determine the contents of the resulting PDF.

Use print layoutUse the print friendly layout (CSS media type 'print') if the web page has one
Include table of contentsInclude a table of contents at the beginning of the PDF
Include bookmarksInclude bookmarks in the PDF for the <h1> through <h4> tags in the webpage
Convert to grayscaleConvert to a grayscale PDF
Remove backgroundDo not show the web page background in the PDF
Remove imagesDo not include any images from the web page in the PDF
Remove hyperlinksDo not show hyperlinks in the PDF
Remove JavaScriptConvert the page with JavaScript switched off

Header and Footer

The header and footer can be specified in HTML through a WYSIWYG editor. We also support extra parameters for dates and page numbers. Have a look at the extensive documentation.

Custom CSS

You can add or override CSS of the pages that you want to convert. In this way you can easily remove pieces from a page or make them look different and style them to your needs.

Watermarking and Stamping

You can use your own image as a watermark or stamp for the PDFs that you create. We treat watermarks and stamps as the same thing, essentially because we always place the image in the foreground. In case you use an opacity of 100% then your image will appear as a stamp, but otherwise it will look like a watermark.

Image locationURL of the watermark image
PositionThe horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) position of your watermark
ScalingThe horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) scaling percentages for the watermark
E.g. use 200% if you want to appear your watermark twice as big
OpacityPercentage that specifies the opacity - 100% is fully opague and appears as a stamp
Rotation angleAngle of rotation between 0 and 360

Rights management

You can use the encryption (also known as PDF rights managements) settings from the table below in the conversion process. Just make sure that your version of Acrobat Reader (or other PDF reader) supports the level of encryption that you choose, so you can actually OPEN the resulting PDF!

Encryption levelLevel of encryption of the PDF (from 40-bit RC4 to 256-bit)
User passwordPassword needed to open the PDF
Owner passwordPassword needed to adjust the rights management settings of the PDF
Disallow printingPrevent users from printing the PDF
Disallow content copyingPrevent users from copying content from the PDF
Disallow annotationPrevent users from annotating (commenting) the PDF